Port Safety Inductions

All personnel who work on the port estate at both Royal Portbury and Avonmouth docks are required to undergo a port safety induction. The induction is valid for four years from the date of completion.

Requesting an induction

You can request an induction from your Bristol Port Company contact. They will provide you with online induction access details and a password to access the induction.

Induction instructions

  1. Download the supporting materials from the Documents and Hazard Card and Posters sections on this page. You will need this material while undertaking the induction.

  2. Ensure you have your induction password.

  3. Open the induction

  4. Enter the provided password when prompted and click Next.

  5. Read our GDPR (privacy) policy. If you agree tick the box and click Next.

  6. Watch the full induction video and then click Next.

  7. Follow the instructions on the screen and complete the questions then click Next.

  8. Enter your personal details on the form and click Next.

  9. View the Challenge video all the way through and click Next.

  10. Agree/disagree to the statements and click Next.

  11. Read the next step instructions and click Submit.

  12. Check your score by clicking View Score. Your score is visible at the top of the page and is out of 10

  13. If you score below 8 please retake the Bristol Port Company induction by closing and reopening the page. You will then need to start from step 2.

  14. If your score is 8 or over, please take a screenshot or print the page.

  15. Close the form.

  16. You MUST now inform your Bristol Port Company contact you have completed the induction.

  17. Your induction is complete.